Mr. Sam Smith would like to highlight Allee LaRochelle. Allee had a lot on her plate as she transferred into Maranacook this year after being at Waterville for her 3 previous years of high school. It is very hard to transfer to a brand new school; even more if you do it your senior year. That being said, she has been a part of JMG since 6th grade and decided to join our brand new program here at MCHS; where her classmates unanimously voted her president. She is a natural born leader and has shown that in her short time here at MCHS. She has been responsible for recruiting many other students to join JMG this year. In the fall, Allee will be attending the University of Maine at Farmington with a major in psychology; with hopes of becoming a counselor in her future. Allee is a big part of Maranacook and is going to do great things beyond high school.

Senior Highlight Allee LaRochelle
March 27, 2020