Mr. Smith would like to recognize Maggie Stokes. Maggie personifies the drive, dedication and confidence required to maintain a democratic society. She is someone who is always working to make the world a better place. Maggie was the president of Maranacook Civil Rights Team during the 2018-19 school year. In her role, Maggie worked closely with Civil Rights Team members on a range of issues and created team-building goals in partnership with a representative from Healthy Communities of the Capital Area. Thoughtful, thorough and talented in her abilities to lead, Maggie possesses the active listening skills and quiet determination that are essential qualities of an honest leader. She possesses skills in motivating people and works to be effective in helping to structure communication to benefit group dynamics. After high school, Maggie plans on moving to Tromsø, Norway this August to attend Folk School. There, she will be involved in mushing dogs, skiing, and learning about sustainable outdoor life. Her goal is to become a more well-rounded citizen before settling down for college. When she returns, she will attend Colby College with an English or Philosophy major.

Senior Highlight Maggie Stokes
April 27, 2020