Mr. DeAngelis would like to recognize Ben Perkins. Ben is known around Maranacook for his perpetual grin and for being friends with everyone. He has "secret" handshakes with numerous classmates. Ben is also famous for the joy and talent he brings to the basketball court during Unified Basketball games. He is like a ray of sunshine in Mr. D.'s virtual advisee group meetings. Ben is always the first one to log-in and is excited to see his fellow advisees and Mr. D. Ben misses the social interaction he had regularly in Ms. Watson's room when school was in session, so our regular advisee group meetings are great for him and he is great for us. Just like in our regular homerooms at school, no advisee group meeting is complete without a round or two of the card game UNO. Ben and Mr. D. always finish up the meeting with at least one game. The on-line UNO games are a bit harder to do than when we are together, but one thing has remained the same: Ben usually wins! Ben is not just an invaluable member of our advisee group and an awesome Unified Basketball player - he is an absolute UNO Card Shark!

Senior Highlight Ben Perkins
April 29, 2020