Mr. Gower would like to recognize Collin McGarr. If you don’t know who Steve McQueen is you should look him up because Collin reminds me of him! He has the uncanny ability of outwardly projecting a sense of confidence and calm that puts others at ease and serves as inspiration. Over the least two years I have observed Collin’s analytical abilities grow and mature in ways that challenged my own thinking. From thinking “outside the box” with his National History Day project to being awarded with his partner for Best Delegation at the Model UN, Collin has achieved much inside and outside the classroom. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you asked me almost every Monday how my weekend was! I know from your writing and discussion abilities you do well in what comes next, it will be exciting to see what that is! “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Senior Highlight Collin McGarr
May 7, 2020