Mr. DeMillo would like to recognize Derinda Brumfield. Derinda has been an enormous part of the DeMillo advisee group for four years. She is the wallflower of the group and I mean that in the most positive way possible. Derinda keeps to herself, gets good grades, and deeply cares about the advisee group. She is someone that does not talk much, but when she talks, the whole group listens. She would frequently call me out on my disorganization and or my foolishness as an advisor and I deeply respected her honesty and eloquence when she did it. Derinda also has no shortness of work ethic, to my knowledge, she has held a job since she was a sophomore and has continued to excel in all aspects of her life. I will greatly miss Derinda as a person, student, and advisee. I wish her all the best in the next part of her life!

Senior Highlight Derinda Brumfield
May 8, 2020