Mr. Gilbert would like to recognize the unstoppable force that is Nathan Cushing. Nate and Mr. Gilbert share a few things in common (mostly nerdy thing), but perhaps most significant of them is the first experiences they shared at MCHS this year. Prior to the 2019-2020 school year, Nate spent a lot of his time participating in sports and preparing for his post-Secondary career in the Army. But this year, Nate really branched out. In addition to his work in Fine Metals (in which Mr. Ferrero praises him highly), Nate signed up for Introductory Guitar in the Fall, where he quickly excelled, sparking an increased desire to participate in the Performing Arts. Before long, he had joined the Chamber Singers, auditioned for the Spring Play, and created new, stronger friendships with his friends in the Performing Arts Department. A genuinely kind and naturally funny person, Nate certainly deserves praise for demonstrating that it is never too late in your high school career to try something new.

Senior Highlight Nathan Cushing
May 18, 2020