Mr. DeMillo would like to recognize Garit Laliberte. I have worked with Garit in the classroom and on the football field. Garit is passionate and extremely driven when it comes to his interests. I have little doubt that he is pursuing the right field, and I have no doubt that he will be successful juggling academics and sports at the next level. He is one of the hardest working athletes I have ever had the privilege of working with. I consider myself spoiled to have had him as a QB on my team. His ability to know an advanced playbook, and to pick up new things made him elite in our conference and state, along with his tenacious competitiveness he was a force on the field. In the classroom, Garit was one who worked extremely hard for those he respected. If you had his respect, he would do everything and anything you asked of him, he was fiercely loyal and I respected that about him. I will miss his constant visits to my classroom to talk about football, school, or the next scholarship form he had to fill out. Good luck on the next part of your journey Garit!!

Senior Recognition Garit Laliberte
May 28, 2020